Genuin FS 2 in Nova Goriza

Stacks Image 55494
The owner says:

After it was possible to set up listening room within smaller house and after the room was acoustically treated it was time to upgrade speakers and electronics.

After for the first time I have heard Genuin FS 3 I liked them very much. They have sounded very natural and smooth.
On its bigger brother, FS 2 everything was bigger. Although the speakers are used to disappear and only the music stays is in the room.

And now the listening room has a new name - the ¨Mens cave¨.

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The System

Source: Melco server
DAC: Rockna
Pre-Amplifier: Trafomatic
Power Amplifier:  300B Trafomatic Monoblocs
Cables: Cammino Premium Series, Trafomatic
Power Treatment: Cammino Power Harmonizer

Stacks Image 55496

Fotos Courtesy of the owner of the system